A downloadable game

This was my entry for the Sleigh The Competition Game Jam 2023, hosted by RPGMAKERWEB.COM (forums). This was my very first game and it was made with RPG Maker MZ.

SHORT SUMMARY: You play a naughty, young child on Christmas Eve who is being visited by Krampus. You are able to play some mini games to try to avoid your punishment. This is a proof of concept for different things you can do with RPG Maker.

UPDATE: This is NOT your typical RPG MAKER game. And it is made almost entirely of photo images instead of the default RPG Maker RTP assets.

I am uploading an updated version of the game (v1.1) based on feedback from the Game Jam. I am not going to continue developing this game. Instead, I am going to focus on standalone mini games. 

Here is the Change Log:

Version 1.1

Added a 3rd version option (FULL VERSION – SKIP & CHOICE ENABLED).


Updated initial dialog to reflect changes in the game.

Removed auto advance from all text boxes.

Add skip options for certain content:


Fixed error with girl portraits during character customization.

Fixed an error where some end game dialog was displayed incorrectly.

Fixed an error where you could pick the same number multiple times on the Advent Calendar.

Fixed some consistency issues and modified some dialog.

Removed the red text from the questions in the Naughty or Nice Test.

Added option to redo character customization.

Added option to generate a different randomly generated child.

Changed the timing of certain auto play content to speed up the game.

Added option to try different answer choices without impacting the naughty or nice determination.

Corrected design error in the Krampus Triple Play game to randomly assign all 24 numbers with matches at the start of the game instead of randomly as each number is picked.

Added a new feature to the Krampus Races game that I didn’t have time to implement before. Now when the player’s number is rolled, they can choose to move forward or move another player backwards. Only implemented for the player as a concept.

Added plugin by Caethyril called Cae_VolumeChange.

Added plugin by ATT_Turan called TUR_KeyboardEntry. Updated Credit with Plugin information.


GameJam v1.1.zip 174 MB

Install instructions

Download the game Zip File

Unzip the file

Launch the Game .exe


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I have updated the game to incorporate a bunch of feedback and to fix some things. Thanks to everyone who played and commented on the original version!

A bug I found: the portraits of Girl 4 and Girl 6 were swapped around during selection.


DOH! Thanks for catching that! I learned a couple important things about using images. #1 Try to make sure they are all the same size or else you have to manually check each one and change the pixel designation and percent of height and width to make sure they show up where you want them to. And #2, change names of things if you have to. I reordered the pictures of the girl and neutral portraits so they would fit on the screen in a certain way and that caused problems later on when I was referencing them. I thought I caught them all, but obviously not. So again, thanks for noticing that!

What a different entry! It kind of feels like taking one of those online personality tests to find out what kind of "x" you are or something. Very inventive and clever. Writing is pretty good but a little verbose for my liking. I personally like short punchy dialogue in games so I can get back into actually playing the game. I found the use of "stock" images to be a refreshing change from RPGMaker's RTP and Face generator graphics. The mini games are executed very well and really shows your creativity and originality. Good job!


Thanks for that feedback! I was surprised by your streak of Ties and then the match 3 of the Immortal Child. It was weird watching someone play the game. A lot of things need work and I noticed a couple mistakes I made. But no game breaking bugs so far so that is good. Thanks again!

Hi Zombie, I played the entry, and I love the innovation of making it into a sort of "Choose your own adventure" type game, you also deviated from the usual RPG maker gameplay, so kudos on making a unique system for your first game! :D Though I think what can be improved is the padding. It could use some speed-up, or maybe allow the players to click thru the dialogue so they can choose to move forward once they read the words. A lot of the dialogues aren't skippable, and it starts out very slow. Some may find the stock assets out of place, but I feel they do fit in this aesthetic and theme you're going for. Great job! And keep making games! :D <3


Thanks for that feedback! I did consider whether it would be better to do the click through text and I probably should have so timing of the text boxes wasn't any issue. I definitely need to experiment with and learn a lot more. I also worried about the slow start. But I seem to have a problem with cutting anything after I make it. It almost killed me to delete the maps in the game that I only used for experimenting, which is silly. But I learned a lot and it was definitely an experience. And my plan is to completely redesign this as just a bunch of mini games as proofs of concepts.

Thanks again for the feedback!


I am sorry... I appreciate the effort stepping into game development, but this game made me cry.

It was painfully slow and I was craving for it to end.

Sorry that you didn't enjoy it. It started as a project to test and showcase proofs of concept. And I realize that the main concept is very different from most RPG Maker games or, more specifically, the Game Jam entries. But this is what captured my imagination and motivated me to finish something so it is what is it.

But I greatly appreciate the feedback and I will look for ways to streamline things that I might want to keep since I want to keep experimenting with creating mini games to learn more. I hope you find some Game Jam entries that you really enjoy!

And thanks for sponsoring the Game Jam. It really did motivate me to get back to learning MZ so I am very grateful.